Sunday, October 28, 2012

Don't Blink or You'll Miss It

It's been a slow news week on the home build. As in, "Don't blink or you'll miss it" changes. Hopefully that means that this upcoming week will be full of multiple new additions to the house. It's kind of worrying that at least two days last week nothing happened, especially considering that we are less than 30 days from Thanksgiving (our move in goal and a goal that Maribeth assures us we are still on track for barring some disaster).
In one of the "don't blink" moments, you might can tell from the photo below that the front porch concrete has been poured.  

The biggest addition this week has been the backer board that has been installed in all the areas of the house where tile will be put. Below is the master bathroom shower.  Brian is especially excited about the shower because he keeps injuring his shin when he is getting out of the shower at the apartment. I agree- I hate shower doors with their ever dangerous metal tracks. While my accidents with shower doors have never drawn blood, I have had my share of incidents involving the metal track trying to hold on to a pinkie toe while I was attempting to exit the shower. It will be so nice to be able to step right out onto the floor.

Below is the decking for the tub in the master bath. Because it is curved, it had to be installed on site instead of being painted at the cabinet shop. I'm so ready for a big bath tub. You don't realize how much you miss taking a bath until you only have the option of a small, yucky apartment one.  I've only been that desperate a couple of times in the last nine months.

This is a view of our front yard. For the first time in a while there isn't a huge garbage dumpster or a cement mixer on the site. We are planning to do a trick or treating table on Halloween this week at the house, so we were thrilled the dumpster was moved. Now, if we could only get the port-a-potty off the lot, it would almost look like a real front yard.

Here is the back yard. Since there wasn't much going on in the house this week, Craig decided to take some time to get the back yard cleaned up. He had to haul off a pile of bricks that had been put there by some builder who had left them on the lot. And there were a lot of weeds and trash that had accumulated on the lot.

The back of the house looks like it has had its final coat of paint. Now we're just waiting for handrails and steps from the back porch.

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