Monday, October 1, 2012

Mickey Mouse is Calling...

The last two days have been rainy and yucky in Auburn. The picture below must have been taken a couple of days ago, because the sky hasn't been this blue in a while. As you can see, the back of the house is coming along nicely. The addition of the screened porch definitely makes the back of the house look better.

The screened porch is definitely taking shape. Can't wait to sit out there this winter.

Thankfully, we've moved into some areas of construction that are not too impeded by rainy weather. Today, insulation was installed in a lot of the house.  The insulation definitely is affecting the feel of the house. It is not as noisy, it's holding in the heat and humidity and it's making it where you can't see through walls anymore!

Below is the playroom. Today, I had to make an emergency call to Maribeth about getting another phone line run in the playroom. I forgot about my Talking Mickey Mouse phone that has to live in the playroom. I bought the phone a couple of years ago at Goodwill and I love it.  I had to pay for a service call to the house to install the phone line and it probably will cost me 10 times more than what I actually paid for the phone itself. But, what do you do? I definitely think its better to go ahead and get it done now than to unpack Mickey in a couple of months and have no where to put him.

Here's John Thomas on the other side of the playroom. As you can see, huge sheets of drywall have been delivered. And, I did check that they were stamped "Made in the USA".  Chinese drywall was another fear I had entering the building process.

Brian and I spent a long time yesterday going room by room taking pictures of all the walls and ceilings in each room showing the pipes and wiring in each.. One of our new neighbors had suggested that we should do that for a reference for the future. It took a long time and hopefully it won't ever come in handy. But it's there if we do need it.

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