Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Southern Tradition

The finishing touches are being added to the front, back and screened porches. And perhaps my favorite element has been the addition of the ceilings. When we started talking about what we wanted the porches to look like, I knew that I wanted the ceilings to be painted a traditional light blue in keeping with the Southern tradition. There are many reasons why people in the South like to paint their porch ceilings blue- from fooling spiders and wasps into thinking the ceiling is the sky, to blue being a harbinger of good luck, to the color extending daylight, to scaring away evil spirits. All of those are excellent reasons and hopefully, all true. I just wanted to do it because it's traditional.
I like the way that the white trim and the orange and gray bricks look against the blue. And an Auburn family can never have enough orange and blue in any shade.


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