Friday, October 19, 2012

Trim work

The house has seen a lot of new additions this week. Crown molding, base boards and window trim have all be added in most of the house. It is so pretty and make such a difference in the house. It's really made it seem like the final stages of the home build are here,  or at least will be here soon. Also added this week were the interior doors. It wasn't so long ago that we could look through walls from one room to another. Now, we can actually go into a room and shut a door and just take in that one space.

Behind the doors below is my closet!  I haven't had a real closet to hold all my stuff in a year and a half. I can't wait! In addition to actually having a closet, I'm excited about something that probably no one else but me would be thrilled about. I love that the closet has double doors- not just a single door. You wouldn't think that would be so exciting, but I really think that it will make the closet seem bigger.  There won't be a big area of the closet that is blocked by a door being opened.  It will just have a little space behind each door where I can build shelves to store shoes and purses.

Today, the brick layers finished the house. The picture below shows the columns that hold up the porches have had the bricks applied. It seems so strange that a decision I fretted so much about has turned into one of my favorite aspects of the house.

Here is the breakfast area of the kitchen showing all the new trim that was added this week.

When I got to the house this afternoon, these guys were there cleaning everything up.  That really makes it feel like it will not be long until we are able to move into the house.

To the right of the garage is a little "wing wall" that was added to hide our garbage can. I think this was the last of the brick laying projects.

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