Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Auburn's Newest and Smallest Brick Mason

Meet Caroline Walker, Auburn's newest and smallest brick mason. For some reason, Caroline was especially interested in watching the brick masons work today. When I tried to get her to go inside the house, she said, "No, I want to keep watching this." So we stood around for a while and watched and I explained as much as I know about laying bricks, which is not much. I told her the gray, squishy stuff is called mortar and that the masons slather on some on the brick and that is what glues the brick to the house. I also told her that mortar is what holds the bricks together and then one of the guys said, "It is actually what keeps the bricks apart." I'm guessing that he was trying to be funny.


So after observing for a while, Johnny, who is a super nice guy (even if he is a big Alabama fan) asked Caroline if she would like to lay one of the bricks. Of course she did. (I have wanted to do one myself, but have been too afraid to ask). It was quite a coincidence that the brick he had for her to do is probably the smallest brick on the whole house. I thought that was perfect. We'll always be able to know which brick was hers.

After Caroline finished, Michael, the head brick guy (and part-time comedian), told Johnny not to expect to get paid for laying that brick. I said that I would be more than happy to pay extra for that special brick.


She is so proud of her brick and couldn't wait to show it off!

1 comment:

  1. The photos really nice specially with the little girl but I'm expecting more information about the services. Keep on posting-affordable brick masonry Manhattan-
