Monday, August 20, 2012

The First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for the kids. John Thomas is in third grade at Ogletree Elementary and Caroline is in kindergarten at Auburn Early Education Center. Both were excited about the start of school, just not about the 6:15 wake up call.

Brian was gone on a work trip to Kentucky, so Grandmother Jo was called to the Plains to assist with the first day of school activities. I don't know how single parents do it. Maybe they have extremely helpful children who listen and do what is asked of them on the first attempt.  I would not be a parent of that kind of child. My kids like to cuddle with each other on the couch, delay brushing their teeth, avoid putting on shoes, complain about what they have for breakfast and pretty much act like getting to school on time is something that is not too important.

We made it to John Thomas's school -almost on time. After a few obligatory photos taken by the school sign, he finally made it inside and met his new teacher, Mrs. DeWeese. We then set out to Caroline's school and hit bumper to bumper traffic. There are probably 600 new kindergartners and all of them and their parents were trying to enter the school at the same time. It took us so long to get from JT's school to the inside of Caroline's school, that her class had already started by the time we arrived. I didn't have a chance to take a photo of her with her teacher, which is something I have always done for the kids on the first day of school.

So since I missed out on one tradition this year, I decided to start a new one. After the school bus dropped the kids off at Grandmother Ree's house, we headed over to the new house. I decided it might be neat to take a photo of the kids by the front door of the house each year. Of course, this year, there isn't a door yet. But there is a frame built around where the door will be.

We got to the lot just in time to meet with Craig and Joe, the framer.  Jo, the grandmother, had suggested after visting the house yesterday that we needed a laundry shoot from JT's bath down to the laundry room. So, we spent some time trying to figure out if it could work out. The framers should be working tomorrow on the rafters, so hopefully we will soon see the complete outline of the house.

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