Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sub Floors, Yard Sales and a Wedding Memento

The kids and I returned today to Auburn after a three day trip to north Alabama. This weekend was the annual "World's Longest Yard Sale" and going on at least 50 miles of it is a tradition in the Walker/Ellis family. I was hoping to find some antique chandeliers, but unfortunately there was more junk than antiques at this year's sale. I did find a few decorative items for the new house- an old stained glass window, a tole painted tray and some old doorknobs to use for a coat rack in the mudroom. I would include photos, but I left everything at my mom's since we are so short on space at the apartment.

I did bring back a brass and crystal chandelier that will be used in our dining room. It had been in storage at my parents' house. When I saw it again and saw that it had a plug in wired to it, I realize that this was the chandelier that Brian and I used at our wedding reception. I think I had bought it at a yard sale at some point, just because it looked like my other chandeliers and I'm sure I got it cheap. When we were planning the wedding reception, I thought it would be neat to hang a chandelier from the tent for added light and ambiance. My dad wired the plug to it and I think I have a picture of him climbing up the ladder to hang it on the tent the morning of the wedding. It has lived in storage in a galvanized tub ever since (ten years!). I'm happy to know that we will finally get to use it in our new house and that it will be a nice reminder of our wedding.

We all went to visit the lot this afternoon and saw that the framers had finished the flooring which means walls will start tomorrow.

From garage looking at where front door, stairs, dining room and kitchen will be.

Brian checking out the subfloors.  I still can't tell if the house seems small or if it is just an illusion.

Front, left corner of house looking back towards master bedroom.

I like this table that looks like it was built to hold the house plans!

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