Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Onwards and Upwards

Today we got to see the first walls of the second story of our house go up. And I got to climb a ladder and actually walk around on the second floor. John Thomas has been asking for a zip line from the second story of the house to the back yard. When it was time for me to go down the ladder from the second floor, I was wishing for a zip line myself.

But, I made it safely down the ladder. I was able to get some photos from both the ground level and while I was upstairs (or in this case up-ladder).  Everything seems to be going fairly smoothly with the framing. It would really help if it would not rain. I'm worried about the sub-floor becoming too wet during these daily showers. But the foreman there today assured me that it could rain 20 more times before we needed to worry. The green coating on the plywood is supposed to help keep out moisture, but it has rained so much, the boards seem to be getting soaked.

One of the benefits of building a custom home is that you get to pick exactly where you want windows and doors placed. We have kept fairly closely to the interior design of the house plans, but we have changed a few things around. When I got to the lot today, I noticed that one of the interior walls on the second floor didn't have the new changes done. Luckily Craig and Maribeth were close by and I called and they came over to check it out and get it corrected. I knew all that time I spent memorizing the house plans would come in handy at some point.

Sub-floor being delivered to second story.
Front of house, dining room 1st story,  guest bedroom 2nd story
In the foyer, you can see our current set of "stairs."

Maribeth deciding on an opening for the closet in the guest bedroom.

Guest room looking out to front of house.
Putting up the back wall in Caroline's bedroom.

Craig, standing in John Thomas's bedroom.  Wall to JT's bath lying on the deck.

Maribeth is double checking the house plans.

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