Friday, August 10, 2012

Enter the Matrix (or the First Floor of our home)

I've been to the lot several times this week. I even took the kids one cool morning and hung out on a beach towel watching the framers work. But, every afternoon this week, there has been rain (or karate class). So we haven't been able to explore the house. I try to stay out of the way of the workers and try even harder to keep the kids out of the construction zone. So the evenings are when we truly get to get a feel of the house. Plus, it's really the only time that Brian gets to get caught up on the building progress.

Even in the evenings after the workers are gone, it's a constant struggle to keep the kids out of trouble. There are lots of stray nails, loose boards and mud for them to seek out. Brian and I spend as much time yelling at the kids to quit doing whatever dangerous activity they are doing as we do getting to explore the house.

Tonight was no different as the kids found a two by four lying cross ways over a shorter two by four that they could use as a homemade see-saw. Thankfully, no injuries to report, but I do fear that one of these posts will one day include a photo at the emergency room.

As you can tell by the photos, there are a lot of 2x4's that are crossing each room bracing the walls. John Thomas thought they looked like lasers. I did too- hence the title of this post, "Enter the Matrix." Every room has these support boards, so it is quite a maze.

It looks like all the interior walls are complete and the floor joists are ready for decking on the second floor.  It was really neat to be able to visualize what the rooms are actually going to look like- to see how large our closets and bathrooms will be. Next week, second story walls and then the roof structure.

John Thomas and Caroline in between the living room and the kitchen.

This is the dining room. You can see half of Caroline standing in the kitchen looking through the butler's pantry into the dining room. Kind of like a "Where's Waldo?".

View from living room out the front door. The stairs will be on the left wall next to the garage.

The back of the house.

Front of house.

Looking into the garage. Which I can finally admit to being a very large garage. It didn't seem that big until all four walls and a roof structure were built.  Craig even measured my van and then showed me how much room I would still have in the garage even with the van parked in it.  I guess we will be able to have a golf cart one day and have room to park it!

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