Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Digging Footers and Pumping Concrete

So here we are on July 11th (only 20 days after we closed on our lot and construction loan!) and we are FINALLY getting to see something exciting happening on our home build. I really was beginning to think we were never going to get going and therefore, never going to see it finished. Gotta love government beauracracy- getting a driver's license, paying taxes and waiting on house plans to be approved by the city. Nothing happens quickly.

But, it's started now and there is no stopping us! Unless these afternoon thunderstorms keep work from being done. Although they have been a nice relief for this super hot summer, now that the house is started, I hope the rain keeps away.

As most construction sites seem to, our progress has brought out our new neighbors. We've met several that are close by and we're happy to know many of them have children or grandchildren that are frequent visitors. There are two other lots on our street that are starting construction soon after us. I guess the current residents will be happy that all the construction is taking place at the same time instead of having to hear all the noise for months and months on end.

John Thomas and Caroline checking out the site, happy to see the backhoe at work.

I was so excited to see the cement pumping truck pull up. It belongs
to our former next door neighbors in Columbus, Matt and Britney Stahl.
I knew Matt had been working some in Auburn and had hoped that it would
be one of his trucks. It was a great suprise and a nice reminder of how much fun we had on our street in Columbus. Hope we feel as much at home in this house as we did on Spyglass Court.


We set up a little "tailgate" for the morning to watch all the action. Marie even joined us for part of the day.

Today had two signs of good luck for us:

One - seeing our former neighbor's truck helping get our new house started,  and

Two - finding a golf ball in the turned dirt. I know, it's not a four leaf clover, but surely Brian will find it to be a promise of good things to come with this house!

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