Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Cinder Block Outline

I came back in town today after being gone for a few days and was pleasantly surprised that rain did not keep the block layers from working last Friday. I had driven to North Alabama in a terrible summer thunderstorm on Thursday and was worried that the rain would cause a delay.  But thankfully it didn't. Seeing the blocks on the outline of the house was exciting and I enjoyed trying to envision where the rooms were and where I would place furniture.  John Thomas commented when we were leaving that it seemed small.  He couldn't visualize that this outline only represented the first floor of the house and that there would be a second floor of almost the same size. I tried to explain how houses are measured by square footage and that this house would be a lot more room than our last house. But he still didn't seem to understand. Maybe I can build it in Legos for him!  I'm sure as each element of the house is added, it will seem both larger and smaller at times.  

The kids exploring the new wall around the house.

This is the front left corner of the house where the front porch and dining room will be.

From the back of the house looking towards the street.

Back, right corner where the master bedroom will be.

From the street, looking into the garage.

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