Sunday, June 24, 2012

House Plans, More Before Photos, Funny Things Kids Say

Here are more photos of the lot, photos of the house plans and an artist rendering of the house.  The house will actually look a lot different than this rendering. It will be much more traditional than this photo. We're using brick instead of rock/ cedar shakes and the porch columns will be white wood. But you'll get the idea.

The house plans are different too. Because of slope of the lot, the plans are completely flipped. So everything on the left is on the right, etc. 



Here JT and Caroline are seeking shade under the only tree on the lot right now.  They were thrilled to be forced to dress in Auburn clothes and taken out in 95 degree heat to take a few pictures. But, I wanted to have photos of them there before any major work began on the lot.

When we were talking about building the house one day in the car, John Thomas was excited and said he wanted us to have a Jacuzzi in the backyard. Caroline, copying his excitement, said, "Yes, I want a Cajuzzi too!"

Our conversation on the drive over to the lot:
John Thomas:  Will the builders be there working?

Me:  No,  they would be getting ready to travel to the
lawyer's office to meet us for the closing.

John Thomas: Can I help them build?

Me: I don't think there would be anything right now that you could do for them. 

John Thomas: Well, I'm really good building with Legos.

Here's the view from the back yard to the street the house will face. It's a fairly narrow lot, but we should have plenty of room in the backyard for parties and playdates.

One thing we really like about the neighborhood is that the houses are pretty close together and the kids should be able to play with neighborhood kids easily.

Kids aren't the only ones that say funny things. This is a photo of my shoes after walking around in freshly turned dirt. I showed up to the closing like this and asked Craig and Maribeth to guess where I had been.  Maribeth had sent me a text photo that morning of the lot to let me know Craig had been anxious to get started on the house and had done some grading work.  I told them that I was surprised how "dirty" the lot was.  I didn't mean "unclean", I meant I was expecting it to have more clay in the soil that just dirt.  I guess I will learn more technical terms as this project progresses!

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