Friday, July 20, 2012

Climbing a Rock Mountain and Playing in Sand

Here are some photos from a couple of visits to the lot this week.  The foundation was finished, so hopefully framing can start next week.  The top photo shows JT and Caroline by the cement mixer. We took popsicles to the workers as a little treat because it has been in the high 90s all week.  I don't see how they are able to work in this heat. They do arrive early (between 5:30-6:00 am), but they put in a full day.

All four of us went to the lot one afternoon and found a couple of the neighborhood kids playing in the big pile of sand. Of course, the Walker children joined right in. There had also been a huge pile of rock that had been delivered. It must have been at least five feet tall.  It seemed to John Thomas to be a perfect mountain to climb. I've often driven by construction companies or rock companies and seen those giganitic mounds of rock and thought to myself that it looked like it would be fun to play on.  I think this rock must be to fill in the garage so that cement can be poured in it this week.

We are continuing to meet new neighbors and finding out about more and more children that live right around us. There seem to be a lot of kids in the 5-8 year old range. Everyone we have met out on the street in front of the lot has been so nice and welcoming.  Can't wait until we can get there permanently!

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