Sunday, September 16, 2012

Our First Family Photo at the New House

This week there were actually four significant additions made to the house. The largest and most exciting was the addition of the screened-porch wall and floor framing and the roof structure. It really balances out the back of the house and I am so happy that we decided to go ahead and get it built. I'm sure the framers were not as happy as I am. They have been here for more than a month and are ready to take on the next house.
Second, the shingles were started. Choosing a shingle color has been one big decision that I have worried about. The roof is so big and it will be so much of one color, I really wanted to make sure we had the right one. Luckily, Maribeth only gave me two choices. And after driving around looking at roofs with those two choices on them, it ended up being a pretty easy decision. I even like the name of the shingle color- Oxford Grey. It always makes me feel better about a color choice when I like the name of the color. I'm really hoping the red we are planning to paint the dining room is not crimson something or other. 
Third, the chimney for the fireplace in the living room was added. I really hadn't noticed that it was missing, but as I was visiting the lot one afternoon one of the framers asked if I had seen that they had added it that day. I had not. Maybe he's been reading my blog and saw my last post that mentioned there hadn't been anything too inspiring going on at the house recently to write about.  I kind of doubt it, but you never know. I think they've finally gotten used to me taking pictures of them while they are working.

Fourth, the plumbing has been started! Which, other than being an important part of a modern house, means that it won't be long before sheet rock can go up. We also had to make the decision this week about what kind of water heater we wanted. It's really hard making decisions when you are on a tight budget. Yes, it would be wonderful to get the latest and greatest of everything. But if you are having to make choices based on how much the whole thing is going to cost, it makes those individual choices hard. It's easy to say, "If I were building, I would get item A, because it is the top of the line."  But, you can't usually get the top of the line on everything or your house would end up costing twice as much as you had planned. We've had to make tough choices in order to stay in budget, and it really helps to have a builder that makes sure you are staying on track. Anyway, back to the water heater dilemma. Do you go tankless, traditional gas, traditional electric, ...? Spend now, save later ..?  We finally decided that we would spend a little extra now and go tankless. Let's hope it can keep up with this family of four.

Saturday afternoon, the whole extended family went to visit the house. Jo had been somewhat recently, although a lot has changed in the last three weeks. Marie gets to go pretty often since she lives just five minutes away. But Granddaddy had not even seen where the lot was. So, below is everyone checking out the new porch.

Caroline and Granddaddy climbing a ladder in the kitchen. (She dressed herself by the way.) 

Here's a view out one of the windows upstairs at the new roof.


Earlier in the week, John Thomas and Caroline standing in the fireplace.

Plumbing has been started and here is where our washing machine and dryer will go.


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