Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's a Wrap!

It's been about two weeks since I've been able to do a real post to the blog. Lots has happened in the last two weeks, some good, some bad. But I just haven't had the energy, time or desire to write or post pictures.  Maybe more on that later. Plus, most of the changes at the house have been not as visibly interesting. I know it's all important to the functioning of the house, but building roof lines hasn't been as inspiring to me as some of the other stages!
This week, the house got wrapped! The roof line of the main part of the house is completely finished including the tar paper that makes it really look like a roof.  And most of the windows were installed. We stretched the budget a little bit and got Pella double hung windows.  The double hung windows will allow us to clean the windows from inside the house. I don't know why that is important- we barely get the dishes and clothes clean on a weekly basis, but I guess if we or future residents of the house want clean windows, especially on the second floor, they will be able to be cleaned easily. 

Below is a view from the back, left corner of the house. The first floor double window is in the breakfast area, and the second floor double window is bedroom.  We keep going back and forth on which child or guest will occupy each of the bedrooms, but its looking like this may be the guest room.

Below is from the same standpoint, only looking at the back of the house. These double windows are are on the other wall in the breakfast area. The part jutting out on the left is the master bedroom.  There will be a small covered porch coming off the middle part of the photo. You can see on the roof line of the master bedroom wall where the soffit is not framed out the same. That is where the porch will be. 

This is a view of the house from the back yard. On the left is the master bedroom, center 1st floor is the living room and on the right is the breakfast room.  Upstairs, the two windows are in the "man room".

Here are a couple of views of the house from down the cul-de-sac on the street that runs into the house.

These pillars were a new addition to the house this week.  The house plans originally called for a screened-in porch with and outdoor fireplace. To save money, we had decided to wait to have this built until we could save up some money. But, we decided it would be cheaper to go ahead and have it built now and then we could be enjoying it.  I am so excited about having this room.

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